Our Trees

Northern Lights Christmas Tree Farms bring to our customers the finest Balsam and Fraser Fir Trees Nova Scotia has to offer. We hand pick the finest from hundreds of acres and thousands of trees! We sell in bulk to many customers. If you visit our U - Cut, you can pick your favourite.

Balsam Fir

Balsam fir is a small to medium-size evergreen tree that has been the traditional tree of choice for many years and is grown naturally in Atlantic Canada. Needles have a broad circular base and are usually dark green on the upper surface, lighter on the lower surface. The trees are also used for pulpwood and many years ago a balm of balsam fir resin was used in Civil War as an external application to the injuries of combat. Balsam fir boughs are often used for stuffing "fir pillows", with the aromatic foliage serving as a deodorant.

Fraser Fir

Fraser fir is a small evergreen tree that is widely used as a Christmas tree.  Its mild fragrance, shape, strong limbs, and ability to retain its soft needles (which do not prick easily when hanging ornaments) for a long time when cut make it one of the best trees for this purpose.  It requires from 7 to 10 years in the field to produce a 6–7 feet tree.  This is often a Christmas tree of choice and is frequently used as the White House Christmas tree.